Thursday, March 25, 2010

Update 03.25.10

Lots happening this week. The roofers are working on putting the insulation on the main gymnasium roof in preparation for putting the final metal roofing layer on soon. The roof above the classroom also received some material that helps keep water out before they put the metal roof on that side too. The window contractors are here today putting in the glass that goes in the window frames that was installed last week. The site contractor is making use of dryer weather and is working on the finish grading of the big pond - pushing the top soil back over the entire area. Electricians are running conduit and installing connection boxes in the gym ceiling for the lighting that will be installed there. The exterior metal stud walls around the gym area are going up too and plywood sheathing covers the studs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Update 03.17.10

More rain but more progress. Most of the roof sheathing or deck is in place and the roof insulation has been delivered. That should start going up any day now and then the metal roof will start going on. The masons were here today putting wall ties in and will start running the brick exterior walls soon. The window guys showed up this morning and most of the window frames have been installed. More conduit and mechanical pipes are being installed. The steel frame of the stair case up to one of the storage mezzanines was installed. Even with the rain, the site has dried out enough to move more dirt around and we've seen some rough grading being done around the building and the rest of the fire lane laid out. Much to give thanks for.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Update 03.08.10

The last truss was installed today. A big crane was brought in to pick the last large trusses up off of the ground, swing them over PCC's roof and into place over the new lobby area. The ground has dried up enough to allow the site contractor to come back in and start smoothing out areas around the new building. The last of the metal decking for the roof over the gym was put into place and now they are sealing it up and getting ready for the insulation and metal roofing to be installed over the decking. More plywood roof sheathing is going up now that the trusses are in place. I'm told that the window frame material was delivered last week and we should start to see some windows get installed by next week - mid week.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Update 03.03.10

The addition is beginning to look more and more like a building. The roof deck over the gymnasium is now about 60% done. After the deck goes down, then insulation is put on top of that and then finished with a metal roof, colored to match our existing shingles. The classroom side now has most of the wood trusses up on that and the roof sheathing is underway. More metal stud walls go up every day and as they go up, the electrical and plumbing parts that go behind the wall surface are being installed. Brick is now stored on site and that will start to go up in the next week or so. We're now hoping to have the building 'dried-in' by the end of the month.