Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Update 12.29.09

The structural steel frame of the building started going up yesterday as they started to install the columns in the gym area. It's moving fast thanks to this enormous crane that was brought in.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Update 12.23.09

As things slow down for the Christmas holiday, there is much to be thankful for on our building project. Despite the huge amounts of rain that we are experiencing this year, lots of progress has been made and we are on the verge of seeing big changes. This past week has been one of getting all of the electrical conduit that goes under the floor slab installed - it's a spider's web of conduit out there now. We intentionally asked for more conduit than we thought we needed so that we had room to be flexible in how we use the building in the future. The building crew will take a break for Christmas but this coming Monday will see quite a lot of activity as the structural steel (columns, beams, etc.) will begin going up.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Update 12.17.09

When we have dry weather, things move fast. Structural steel started arriving today and the plan now is to start putting that up on the Monday after Christmas. Once that starts going up, things will really look different out back. They've also been able to make significant progress in getting the site ready for the floor slab. Very close to being ready to take that to the next step.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Update 12.16.09

Sunshine! Yes, it's still wet but it hasn't rained since Sunday and things are moving fast. Go vertical! We received the approval from York County yesterday to go vertical and we are. As I write this, lots of things are happening outside. The masons are on site building the block walls around the stage area of the gymnasium. The electricians are on site too and laying out the conduit that goes underneath the floor slab that will house things like lighting and sound cables. The heating and cooling guys are here too working on the new cooling tower location and getting the piping ready for that. The superintendent of the construction company now tells me that he is expecting the structual steel to be delivered later this week and they are expecting to start erecting that early next week. Inside my office we are also working on things like choosing the gym floor and researching things like door lock systems. Lots of progress and lots to give thanks for! e321 - '...to him be glory in the church...'

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Update 12.8.09

And more rain....yet progress. Seems like we are getting rain every couple of days which is just enough to hinder progress. The contractor has been able to keep moving in some areas despite the lingering moisture and constant rain. The footings have been finished now and the foundation wall masonry is getting close to completion. We just need dry weather to dry out the building pad so that the floor slab can be poured. Structural steel is scheduled to be delivered next week and if things go well with York County this week, we will be erecting the steel next week as well. Continue to pray for dry weather!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update 11.19.09

We survived... Last week's nor'easter set us back a few days but thankfully nothing was damaged. Just a very wet building site. With rain coming down from basically Tuesday night to Saturday morning straight last week, you can imagine the amount of water in the new pond area and around the footings. This past Monday was basically a day of pumping water as they tried to get the site dry. Although it was still wet, they were able to re-commence footing work on Tuesday and I'm told now that if the weather holds they will finish the footings tomorrow. Lots of plumbing work has begun as they get all of the piping that goes underground installed. They started yesterday with all of the piping in the new kitchen and bathroom areas.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update 11.5.09

The concrete masonry block has begun! Walls are starting to take shape as the footing work continues. Work on the waterline continues today as well. The back yard is a mess but it's all good.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update 11.3.09

Wet but still moving along - that about describes the project today. After several days of rain, the footing work continues despite the muddy conditions. Lots of digging in the morning and then the concrete comes in the afternoon to fill up the holes. Loads of concrete masonry blocks were delivered today and I'm told that the masonry work will begin on Thursday morning. The work of putting a new drainage line across the driveway was completed this weekend and the new waterline for a new fire hydrant is underway.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Update 10.22.09

The digging for footings has begun. Work started yesterday (Wed.) as the footing locations were marked off and the digging began. After preliminary testing, some bad soil was encountered and removed. We had hoped to start pouring the concrete for the footings but that has been delayed a day or two so that the 'undercuts' can be done to get the soil right. This part is so important and we want to get it right. Work continues on the new fire road and modifications to the existing detention ponds that the County is requiring.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update 10.14.09

I'm told that we now have the biggest grease interceptor/trap in all of York County. It is big and it got installed this week right outside my window. The building pad passed it's latest test/inspection and we are set to begin footing layout. But the rain is coming - the next few days are supposed to be pretty ugly so we'll see what happens. Give thanks that we recieved the Waterworks agreement today so that work can now proceed. FYI - this work will require us to shut down the PCC driveway on Oct. 30 all day (from 6am to 4pm-ish) so the Chapel will effectively be closed that day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Update 10.8.09

We have a new playground! Work was completed on the new playground yesterday and the new equipment is open for play! We are planning to add things like a fence around the area and other play items but this is the centerpiece of our new kids outside play area. Give thanks!

The building pad received an important approval this morning and we are now able to take it to the next phase in preparation of beginning footings. Another inspection is planned for tomorrow morning and if that is good, then work on the footings will begin early next week. Good news from Waterworks on the waterline extension paperwork and that agreement process is progressly well.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Update 10.5.09

'We have pipes coming out of the ground!' was the comment I heard someone say this past Sunday. The pipes are part of the drainage system that will catch rainwater coming off of the roof of the new building. The landscape continues to change very rapidly as the good weather holds and we're able to keep moving. The fire access road was laid out and graded today and will be graveled in the morning. The hope is that the footings for the new building will be started this week as the new building pad drys out. Our new playground equipment arrived today and our installation contractor is hard at work getting it installed. We should have the equipment in place and ready for this weekend.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update 9.30.09

Work continues on the building pad with tons of dirt being brought from the drainage pond area to level out the back yard where the new building will be put. Concrete drainage pipes are being installed at various places in the back area where storm water will be captured and drained away from the property. The bridge over the ditch out front is about complete and we're expected to get the new fire road roughed in during the new few days. The lawn shed is being moved tomorrow to get it out of the way of the new road. The new drainage pond area (where all of the trees were cleared) is rapidly taking shape.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Update 9.24.09

We have a building sign! The sign company showed up yesterday to begin the installation of our new sign on the side of the building facing Victory Blvd. Today they will be finishing it up and hooking up the electricity to it's back lights so that at night it glows.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Update 9.23.09

Clearing has been finished and the top soil has been stripped away and stored for later. The sitework for the drainage system and preparing the ground for the foundation of the new building is well underway. Big changes to the back yard! A bit of bad soil in one area that we are replacing but otherwise things are progressing quickly.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update 9.17.09

Clearing.... that's the majority of what has been happening this past week. It's been a big machinery enthusiast's dream come true. The humongous wood chipper had to be the most awesome. While the main trunks of the trees were carted away, the stumps, branches and other parts were ground up into mulch over the course of two days. Work also began on the bridge over the ditch from out by Victory Blvd.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update 9.10.09

All of the permits that needed to be acquired before we could start clearing were received and clearing began last Thursday (9/3/09). After two days of significant progress and after the Labor Day holiday, the rain set in and work has been at a stand still since. Weather predictions show sunnier days ahead so we're hoping to get back at it soon.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Update 8.31.09

GROUNDBREAKING! Hopefully you were with us yesterday to celebrate the groundbreaking for Phase 2 of our facilities. What a special time as we focused on our mission to 'go and make disciples' and the role of building in that mission. The first part of the service was in our sanctuary but then moved outside where an excavator awaited. The big machine roared to life and broke ground right in the middle of the area that will be the gymnasium / ministry center just over a year from now. We brought flags to the piles of dirt that carried the names of people in our lives that we are asking God to use PCC to reach and envelope in our community.