Thursday, July 23, 2009

Update 7.23.09

While nothing is yet finalized, we've definitely seen positive movement the past week. We heard from York County last week and while we didn't get the final approval yet, the remaining issues are relatively minor. One of the issues regarding adding a deeper section to one of the retention ponds has already been addressed and the other has to do with VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation). VDOT's approval is separate from York Co.'s so YC won't give final approval until they hear from VDOT. The comments from VDOT were relatively minor so we don't expect any issues there - we're just at their mercy of when they complete their review.

We also received bids from five general contractors last Thursday (7/16) which gave us the cost of all of the work. Again, nothing is finalized but we were very pleased with the bids and feel that God granted us favor in this area. The bids were broken down into a base bid which included the site work (ponds, paving, landscaping, etc.), the kitchen/restroom/lobby areas completely finished and the shell of the gymnasium and then three alternates. Alternate 1 gave us a price to completely finish the gym. Alternate 2 gave us the price to build the shell of the classroom wing and alternate 3 gave us the price to completely finish the classroom wing.

All of these prices have been submitted to the Board of Elders who are prayerfully considering them and what they believe God is calling us do regarding scope of work and borrowing money. Please keep them in prayer - especially this Monday night (July 27). Also be in prayer that we can wrap up the remaining site plan issues by the end of July.

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