Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Update 10.26.10

And the inspector said...."Approved".... That's it. The entire building has passed it's final inspection. There are still lots of other things to do - the sound system is still being worked on, there is still plants to be planted, lots of other touch-up details - but we can use the space now. The first thing we did was set up the new cafe area and turn on the fireplace. That will be used tonight for a missions presentation. The sound/lighting won't be ready for this weekend in the gym but the youth group will use the gym Sunday night for their dodgeball tournament. We're almost there...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Update 10.19.10

Contrary to what Tom said on Sunday, the gym floor is actually getting painted today and it's exciting to see because it's one of the final things to do in the gym. Lots of other details getting worked on including the coffee bar counter and sink.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Update 10.13.10

The stage curtain arrived today and is being installed. The site contractor has been onsite the past couple of days getting the ground smoothed out, debris cleaned up and grass seed planted as well as starting to install our new sand volleyball court.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Update 10.07.10

It's gym floor time! As I write, the gym floor is being installed. Work on that began Monday with cleaning out the gym and prepping the concrete. On Wednesday, they began to unroll the gym floor material and lay it out so that it could flatten out overnight. This morning they began gluing the floor down. This part will take a couple of days and then they will paint the court lines on the floor. Finish date is Monday with a couple of extra days after that to allow the paint to dry thoroughly. Painters are scheduled to come in Tuesday to do final touch ups and the cleaning crew comes in Thursday to do the final cleaning. Still have some other minor finishing touches to wrap it all up including finish grading the site. A couple of weeks from now and it's basically done!